Here are some frequently asked questions related to our service and support:

Check the charging cable and wall adapter to ensure they are working properly. Try using a different cable or adapter if possible.

Make sure the battery is not completely drained. If it is, allow it to charge for at least 10-15 minutes before attempting to turn it on.

If the battery is not the issue, try resetting the tablet to its factory settings.

Get In Touch With Us

You may contact us by email, phone numbers or send us a message and we'll get back to you with an answer shortly.

Email Address

General Info: info@mgate.ca
RMA Service: rma@mgate.ca

Phone Numbers

Local office: 905.642.0039
Toll free: 877.642.8118
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Business Hours

Our regular business hours are as following except on legal holidays

Open Hours

Mon - Fri 09:00 to 17:00

Our Products

Our Office

13 - 1100 Davis Drive
Newmarket, ON L3Y 8W8
Office: 905.642.0039
Toll free: 877.642-8118
Information: info@mgate.ca
Service: rma@mgate.ca

After-Sales Service
